It's been 2 months since I took a VRO package from my company and retired. Those two months have been pretty good overall. Let me tell you what I've been up to.
I took the first two weeks "off" and just relaxed and read a lot. But then, I decided to get into gear and do something productive. As part of the package, I got 3 months access to Lee Hecht Harrison - an outplacement company. They help you move on to the next phase of your life, whether it is finding a job or starting a business or just retiring.
Part of the package with them was 3 months of access to Skill Soft ~ an e-learning portal with access to over 3000 classes on a variety of business and technical courses. I LOVE IT! I decided to try to take some classes every day and did really great up until about 2 weeks ago when I started slowing down. (Ok - I do have an excuse - my Mother-In-Law was visiting and I didn't want to seclude myself in my room and ignore her.) But as I only have about 3 weeks left, I need to get moving because there's a lot more to learn.
I also attended a bunch of live webinars from LHH - great sources for those looking for another job. They help with your Position Statement, your Accomplishment statements, your resume, and a lot more. You also get your own counselor - mine has been great. I've decided to complete my resume even though I don't plan on working any time in the near future. If you get the help, you might as well take the opportunity.
I've decided to become a little craft crazy too. Finally finished an afghan I started a year ago. Now I'm working on a knitted shawl - knitting is definitely not my strong point but I'm trying. I also took a quilting class and am going to start that. Between the classes, the crafts, and reading, I stay pretty busy. (yeh, yeh, I do manage a short nap most afternoons, too. But we don't tell anyone about those.)
I do manage to get out of the house several times a week - just to keep my sanity. Starbucks and I have become very good friends - at least once or twice a week, I go to one of the 3 Starbucks near me, grab my Chai Tea and sit and read for awhile. Somehow a scone usually manages to show up too. Hmmm, I wonder how that happens. I've been to lunch with a few of my friends but not as often as I would like. The drive is a killer but I need to make time for that.
Next on my agenda - is to get serious about the weight loss. So far, I've sucked. and I feel like @#$@#$ because of it. Losing weight would get rid of so many of my health problems - and get me closer to my knee replacement which gets me closer to Alaska. You'd think that would be motivation enough but it may take a jump start by joining Med-Weight Loss again. Have to think that one through. I'll keep you updated!
Retirement for Me!
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