Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lunch, Poker, and Fabric

What do these things - lunch, poker, and fabric - have in common?  NOTHING!  Absolutely nothing.  But it's the way I've spent my days this week.

Tuesday was a fabric cutting day - cutting little 7.5 inch squares and 4 inch squares.  Lots and lots of squares. I'm getting better at cutting - I'd probably get a C if I were graded now.  That's a lot better than my previous D- (or even an F). But that doesn't mean I like it any better.

I did get a class from Craftsy specifically on cutting - and I have to say, it was $20 well spent.  Within the first 5 minutes, I learned some things that did make it much easier.  I suppose that like most things, it gets easier with practice.  I still have more to cut but I decided today I will actually mark and sew.  (Marking is another thing that I quickly discovered that I do not care for.  I just don't have the patience but I also know that if I don't, this quilt won't turn out right.  (OK, it probably won't turn out right anyway but it won't be because I did not mark the fabric!)

Yesterday, I had lunch with an old teammate.  It was great to catch up with her and hear some of the things that are happening from her perspective.  She's a great person with a ton of potential and I know she'll have lots of success!

But since I was already half way to Cincinnati, I decided to go ahead and hit the casino.  It's been about 2 months so why not.  I was stunned to see my favorite table almost empty. (I like to play Crazy 4.)  I kept looking at the sign to make sure I wasn't accidentally at Four Handed Poker instead.  (yes, I did that once - took me only one hand to say "Oops!" and get up.)  But, I was at the right table.  It was another 'not so good' day but at least I had fun.  I lost $135 but at least I didn't lose it all.  (ok, ok, the only reason I didn't lose it all was because they were changing cards and that takes about 10 minutes and it was good time to hit the road and beat the traffic.)  Otherwise, I'm sure Jack would have all my money.

Today, I got the brilliant idea to get a manicure.  I rarely do that.  We're talking maybe once every 2 - 3 years.  But they had an opening so what the heck.  I wasn't going to get polish - just get the shaped up some and buffed but she convinced me to do a very light color that still showed the white tips.  They look good but we'll see how long the polish stays on - it usually only stays for a day or two and splits my nails.  Time will tell.

But, she did tell me about a fabric store in the next little town over that I did not  know about.  So I took a 15 minute drive over to check it out.  ONLY TO LOOK!  Yeh, right.  I ended up buying a quilt package.  ARGH!  I'll be 90 before I finish all these damn quilts.  But the store was HUGH!  They had so many fabrics, I was in awe.  Seems like some of their prices are cheaper, too, so I may be heading that way when I need fabric. I need to make a pledge on fabric like I did on yarn - NO MORE until I use up some of what I have!  

So that's what I'm doing in my retirement days.  Yeehaw! But, it's better that than working anyday.

So, here's to retirement.  Thank you for the opportunity that I didn't know I wanted!

See ya next time

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