Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Meeting Old Friends

This has been a good month. I've been down to Blue Ash several times in the past month to meet up with some old teammates and friends. It's been really nice to catch up!

As I expected, there a quite a few people that I really don't hear from or catch up with. It's normal. But there are always those people that you work to keep the friendship going. So it's been fun to see them. In fact, I'm heading down again tomorrow for lunch. I was debating if that was a wise choice since it is the heavy travel day for Thanksgiving but hopefully, I'll be home before the worst of the traffic hits.

Unfortunately, I have to hit the grocery store tomorrow too.  ARGH! I really don't like to go to the store on the day before Thanksgiving. But, I was not feeling good today, so that makes tomorrow the shopping day for me. Fortunately, I don't have to get much but still...

We're having a very low key Thanksgiving - just me and my hubby. Our son is coming over at some point but no plans made yet - so I don't know if he'll be eating with us or not - or if the kids will be coming along. We're having a pretty diet-friendly meal ~ turkey, green beans, salad. I did get some mashed potatoes for Tim but no dressing, no noodles. If I don't make them, I can't eat them!

Every day I am so very thankful for the great opportunity I had to retire early. It wasn't something I wanted but I am enjoying it so much. Thank you so much Kroger, for the cool opportunity! It has turned out so much better than I ever expected!

Until next time...

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Post Retirement Happenings

Who knew? I never thought I would actually be busy after retirement but I am. It's not the same type of busy as if I were working, but busy none the less.

I decided to get involved with Bible Study and found a local (kinda) Bible Study Fellowship chapter. WOW! Talk about intense. In total, there are about 400 women that come every Wednesday. We're broken up into small groups of about 15 and go our answers to the prior week's study. They're studying Romans for the whole session (30 weeks). Yes - one book for 30 weeks. It's very in-depth. My MIL used to attend in Atlanta and then NC and became a teaching leader so I had a good idea of what all it entailed. For someone without a lot of bible background, it is pretty overwhelming but I am glad I am doing it. I'm learning a lot.

The rest of my "busy" is my standing weight-loss appointment every Tuesday. I leave at 9:30 and don't get back until about 1:00. But it's been a productive venture ~ 43.4 lbs so far and that's in 12 weeks. Not too bad!

I'm taking a TON of quilting classes. I have a new class about every 2 weeks or so. and inbetween, I'm usually in front of the machine attempting to put things together. If not that, I'm crocheting or knitting.

To someone working, it doesn't seem busy and it is truly not comparable. But, for me, it's great! Most days, I go to bed late and get up even later and pretty much do what I want. No schedules for the most part. And when it is a beautiful day, nothing beats being out and about! I love it.

I highly recommend retirement to everyone! VRO was a wonderful thing for me.   :)

Until next time...

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Six Months Retired

It's been almost a month since I last posted. I reached my 6 month retirement anniversary at the end of September! And I'm loving it. 

A good friend told me that I would end up very busy. I didn't believe him at first ~ especially that first month or so but now...I am busy with different things but most of all, I'm happy. Retirement was not something that I chose at the time but when given a fantastic offer, one needs to just take the plunge ~ and I'm so glad I did.

I'm filling my days with crafts. I've become obsessed with quilting and although I'm still at that really sucky stage, I know I'll get better with time ~ and I'm really enjoying it. I told the owner of the quilt shop I frequent that different ideas just keep swirling around in my mind. I cannot turn it off. (Unfortunately, at this point, not all ideas turn out quite like I imagine them but that's ok. Each attempt is a learning experience for me.

I start Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) tomorrow. I've thought about doing this for some time. I've never done any bible study before and it seems like it would be interesting. My mother-in-law actually taught classes for BSF in Atlanta and North Carolina and she loved it. So we'll see how tomorrow goes. Apparently, we'll be studying the book of Romans. I'll be a few weeks behind since it started in September, but that's ok.

I also have a ton of yarn that I bought when a local yarn store went out of business so I need to get going on the whole crochet/knit thing too!  

Some may think that I'm not involved in anything worthwhile or meaningful but I say "phooey" to them. I'm happy, my husband likes the stuff I make, and I'm learning new skills. Who could ask for more?  Not me!

So, if you are ever offered the chance to retire ~ and you can manage it from a finance standpoint ~ go for it! It is wonderful.

Until next time... 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Catching Up

It's been a while since I posted so I thought I'd catch up with the whole retirement thing.

I've been keeping busy!  Some would say that I'm not doing anything meaningful but I think I am. I'm learning to quilt and it is finally coming together. I'm re-learning to knit - and almost done with a simple scarf. I'm crocheting! I'm having FUN!

I am thinking about doing some volunteer work ~ more of the office type of thing but I have so many doctor appointments and quilt classes that I don't want to volunteer and then not be able to keep commitments. So, for at least a few more weeks, I'll hold tight before I make that move.

I found that I have a real addiction to yarn and fabric. Seems like I just can't stop buying. There's a sweet little yarn store not too far from me that is going out of business next week. Although I'm sorry to hear that (because I just found it about a month ago), I was happy to reap the benefits of the 'going out of business' sales. Hubby actually went with me and we bought a BUNCH of yarn to make some type of rainbow colored afghan. Or at least as close to rainbow colors as I could get without realizing that indigo is not the same as dark blue - it is deep violet.  OOPS!  But it will still look good.

I haven't had much porch time lately - weather took a cold turn with the remnants of Hurricane Harvey ~ and the start of fall. But yesterday, we did get the chance to sit outside. Might be able to do the same today. It's supposed to be a hot one before it turns cold again next week. (I guess cold is a relative term - it will be in the low 60's but compared to 80s, it's cold.)

Oh well, off to listen to free classes from Craftsy.

Until next time...

Sunday, July 30, 2017


I know people will think I'm complaining when I say this but I'm really not...but I'M EXHAUSTED!  You wouldn't think that retirement could be so exhausting but wow.  Still, I'm loving the freedom!

Let me explain...

I've been doing a lot of cutting and marking for the quilt I'm making.  I'm a little space-challenged but making the best of it.  But for some reason, when I'm cutting fabric, my shoulders just scream.  Now, I have really bad shoulders as it is but wow, cutting just tenses me up.  And marking fabric - same thing.  But, I don't trust myself to sew a straight line from corner to corner yet so mark, I must.

For some reason, too, whenever I set at my sewing table and work, my ankle swells up like you would not believe. Normally, that wouldn't be a big deal but in the past, whenever I'd had swollen ankles, I've had blood clots.  So I get a little paranoid - even though I am certain the Warfarin is doing its job.

I'm doing good on the quilt - I should have all the small squares done by tomorrow then I get the challenge of trying to match up seams to make the big squares.  After that, I have to lay them out and see where I want them to go in the big scheme of things.  I need to get some type of wall thing to place the pieces on - but Lord know where I'll hand it!  :)  But, I'll figure it out somehow...and my hubby is always good for creative ideas with that kind of thing!  (thank goodness for his support in this new hobby).

Well, my shoulders are a little better now so back to marking. Yea!  

Until next time...

Friday, July 28, 2017

Loving Life

Yesterday, I "found" a new fabric store near me.  I was amazed at the selections - and the wonderful prices.  (If you haven't been to the Fabric Shack in Waynesville, Ohio, go! Go NOW!)

I did buy a quilt kit yesterday because it was gorgeous but I resisted buying a Charm Pack of the most beautiful fabrics. Well, today, I realized I needed another fat quarter of yellow for the current quilt so I decided to hop over to Waynesville. Bad idea for me!  I just couldn't resist this time.  I ended up buying 2 Charm packs and enough coordinating material to create a full size quilt - border and backing.  ARGH!  I'm not exactly what pattern I'll do yet, but I just had to have it.

But, the point of this post - as seen by the title - is that as I was driving home, on a beautiful day, after picking up beautiful fabric and yarn (ok, I stopped in a yarn store too even though I swore I wouldn't), I realized that I love my life.

Let me say that again - I LOVE MY LIFE!  I am not rich, I need to lose weight (lots and lots), I'm not someone that would be described as beautiful any longer, but....

I have a wonderful husband that puts up with me (for 32 years now), a fantastic son (even though I don't see him enough), I have my house with my front porch that I love, I have a crazy dog that I love (most of the time), and I'm retired.  What more can a person ask for? Sure, I would love more money - who wouldn't? Sure, I want to be slim again (working on it), Sure, I would like a fancier house. But when I look at all I do have - I am truly blessed. So - I love my life! And, I'm happy to be able to say that.  

Just saying...

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lunch, Poker, and Fabric

What do these things - lunch, poker, and fabric - have in common?  NOTHING!  Absolutely nothing.  But it's the way I've spent my days this week.

Tuesday was a fabric cutting day - cutting little 7.5 inch squares and 4 inch squares.  Lots and lots of squares. I'm getting better at cutting - I'd probably get a C if I were graded now.  That's a lot better than my previous D- (or even an F). But that doesn't mean I like it any better.

I did get a class from Craftsy specifically on cutting - and I have to say, it was $20 well spent.  Within the first 5 minutes, I learned some things that did make it much easier.  I suppose that like most things, it gets easier with practice.  I still have more to cut but I decided today I will actually mark and sew.  (Marking is another thing that I quickly discovered that I do not care for.  I just don't have the patience but I also know that if I don't, this quilt won't turn out right.  (OK, it probably won't turn out right anyway but it won't be because I did not mark the fabric!)

Yesterday, I had lunch with an old teammate.  It was great to catch up with her and hear some of the things that are happening from her perspective.  She's a great person with a ton of potential and I know she'll have lots of success!

But since I was already half way to Cincinnati, I decided to go ahead and hit the casino.  It's been about 2 months so why not.  I was stunned to see my favorite table almost empty. (I like to play Crazy 4.)  I kept looking at the sign to make sure I wasn't accidentally at Four Handed Poker instead.  (yes, I did that once - took me only one hand to say "Oops!" and get up.)  But, I was at the right table.  It was another 'not so good' day but at least I had fun.  I lost $135 but at least I didn't lose it all.  (ok, ok, the only reason I didn't lose it all was because they were changing cards and that takes about 10 minutes and it was good time to hit the road and beat the traffic.)  Otherwise, I'm sure Jack would have all my money.

Today, I got the brilliant idea to get a manicure.  I rarely do that.  We're talking maybe once every 2 - 3 years.  But they had an opening so what the heck.  I wasn't going to get polish - just get the shaped up some and buffed but she convinced me to do a very light color that still showed the white tips.  They look good but we'll see how long the polish stays on - it usually only stays for a day or two and splits my nails.  Time will tell.

But, she did tell me about a fabric store in the next little town over that I did not  know about.  So I took a 15 minute drive over to check it out.  ONLY TO LOOK!  Yeh, right.  I ended up buying a quilt package.  ARGH!  I'll be 90 before I finish all these damn quilts.  But the store was HUGH!  They had so many fabrics, I was in awe.  Seems like some of their prices are cheaper, too, so I may be heading that way when I need fabric. I need to make a pledge on fabric like I did on yarn - NO MORE until I use up some of what I have!  

So that's what I'm doing in my retirement days.  Yeehaw! But, it's better that than working anyday.

So, here's to retirement.  Thank you for the opportunity that I didn't know I wanted!

See ya next time